Jacques Derrida, the world famous thinker, philosopher, and the founder of Deconstructionism, has been exerting an enormous influence on almost all the branches in the humanities. 雅克·德里达是世界著名的思想家、哲学家、解构理论的创始人,其影响力波及当代几乎所有的人文社科领域。
Using intertextual reading, this article discusses Jacques Derrida s logical thread in his deconstruction of Husserl s sign theory from the aspects of voice, expression, time and intuitive subject. 运用互文式的解读方法,从声音、表达、时间和直观主体四个方面讨论德里达解构胡塞尔符号理论的思路。
The Archaeology of Memory can be seen as a manifestation of the deconstructionism of Jacques Derrida. 《记忆考古》可以说是以作品印象对于德里达“解构”学说的一种表现。
However, meanwhile we are well familiar with the critique of the presence formulated especially by Jacques Derrida. 但与此同时,我们也很熟悉对在场的批判,尤其是雅克•德里达所表述的。
This paper discusses a famous debate between Michel Foucault and Jacques Derrida. 本文讨论了法国当代重要的两个思想家福柯和德里达的一次争论。
Based on the fact that metaphor is largely used in philosophy, Jacques Derrida deconstructs the dualistic antagonism of philosophical texts and literature texts from the perspective of philosophy's anti-center, anti-authority, anti-Logos. 雅克·德里达从解构主义立场出发,依据哲学文本中存在大量隐喻性话语的事实,对哲学文本与文学文本的二元对立所作的解构,无论在理论还是实践意义上都是不能成立的。
The present essay offers a critical reflection, from the perspective of literary theory and cultural criticism, the late French philosopher Jacques Derrida's critical theory and the heritage which he has left behind him to contemporary literary theory and criticism. 文章从文学理论和文化批评的角度来重新审视法国哲学家、解构主义的代表人物德里达的批评理论特征及其留给当代文学理论和文化批评的遗产。
Jacques Derrida is famous for deconstructionism. 德里达是以解构主义而著称于世的。
Part One is a brief introduction to the author and his novel Second Skin. Part Two is an introduction to the theoretical perspective applied in the paper. In this part, the theories of Jacques Lacan and Jacques Derrida will be introduced and compared. 第一部分是有关小说作者及小说内容的简介;第二部分是论文的理论基础,着重阐述在主题分析中用到的拉康和德里达理论的相关内容,其间也谈到二者的区别。
Here, the concept of "institution" is not only in the sense of "the institution of literature" that Jacques Derrida pointed out, but also in the means of what he calls the "text". 此处,建制这一概念既是雅克·德里达所指出的文学建制意义上的,又是他所说的文本意义上的。
The introductory part, discussed three issues: the life of Jacques Derrida brief outline, his main idea of deconstruction, and the reason for writing Specters of Marx. 在导言部分,讲了三个问题:德里达的生平简介,他的解构主义思想梗概以及写作《马克思的幽灵》的缘由。
Jacques Derrida was a crucial person from Structuralism to Deconstruction. 雅克·德里达是西方哲学、美学和诗学从结构主义向解构主义转型的关键人物。